10 tips for professional photography b "mobile camera"

      Sophisticated Smartphones helped her high quality, the possibility of photographing anyone without a thorough study of photography as a science, and helped that modern applications offered by the phones either photography or photo editing, Which he contributed heavily in documenting events experienced by people, even in sudden events at the level of press work and speed of transfer and dissemination events and news, Without relying on digital cameras.

Although some people take good pictures with their cell phones, but many are ignorant of the basic rules of photography that may contribute to a good image output, Or the development possibilities of the photographer by mobile, here are some rules and tips that will help you take better pictures with more regularity as recommended by imaging experts

1. clean the mobile camera lens before shooting starts with a piece of cotton, so you get a crisp image.                          
2. install a good phone to get a clear picture, either install hands and avoid vibration, or use "pregnant" settles it for phone photography.                          

3. select the focus points in the image, so that the focus point on the screen through the box, you can install the image and select the focus point and then captured and can be tuned automatically.

4. prefers not to use a Flash in certain circumstances if the lighting is quite low, and rely on natural lighting or indoor lighting.

5. avoid digital "zoom", which makes the image losing quality, you can instead approach the things and people that want to be photographed.

6. Triangular rule, the most important rules of photography, is not to keep the target in the middle of the screen but you can split the screen into three parts with nine boxes and put the target at intersections fonts, for example in the third top right.

7. adjust the camera settings on the phone, lighting quality and other settings enabled phone.

8. using imaging applications, which allows image effects and possibility of beat, cut and adjust the inclination and colors.

9. observe the capture angles, you can take a picture of a kid playing for example from above don't show features the baby, preferably taken side angle shows features of children and happiness while playing, Try to bring out a new angle and characteristic during filming.

10. choose the highest quality image before capture, you can adjust the settings, the picture can capture more than once and not deleting them to choose the best of them.                             


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