5 Fun and Easy Washi Tape Projects You Can Make in 10 Minutes

What Is Washi Tape?

The washi tape comes originally from Japan and it became so popular not so long ago. It is made from natural fibers and usually from trees that are common in Japan. The tape can be very practical and since it can be found in many designs and colors, it is perfect for decorating and DIY projects. It can be used for many different projects, starting from birthday cards to wall art. If you like doing things on your own, then you really need to try the washi tape. Check out the list below with ten amazing projects using it. All of them are really easy and won’t take much of your time to be done. What you’ll get is a pretty project and fun times making it. 

1. Washi Tape Cards

via the123blog.com
Instead of writing down things on regular, plain white cards, try to make them a little bit prettier. Thanks to using the washi tape and their amazing design, you can decorate them in different colors and patterns. This project is really simple to make and it will be done in no time. The only thing you need in order to make is washi tape and cards.

2. Washi Tape Keys

via lovingcottage.com
Why having the regular metal keys, when you can have them decorated? Buy some washi tape and experiment with the looks of your keys. Put different washi tape on each. That way your keys will not only be useful, but pretty too. This project is done in less than five minutes, so if you were looking for something very, very easy, here’s your thing.

3. Washi Tape Frame

via fancymelissa.com
Sometimes the frames we want to have won’t make our wallet happy. But, instead of worrying over about how some things are expensive, we can use what we have and make ourselves what we want. Before throwing bunch of money of expensive picture frames, check out the washi tape section and see if you can find a pattern that will steal your heart away. The difference will be that the washi tape is cheaper and can make your frame look from simple to cute in minutes.

4. Washi Tape Iphone Case

via silverinthecity.com
For this project you need an old Iphone case, washi tape with design by your choice, Exacto knife and a can of Crystal Clear. It’s really simple to make the design you want and it will take you few minutes, but you will need to leave it to dry overnight, so that you can start your morning with a new case and you are going to love it even more because it was done by you.

5. Washi Tape Mini Bunting

via blog.tinyprints.com
The washi tape can be useful even when it comes to parties. The project is very simple. You just choose the washi tape design you want, stick it together and with scissors shape it the way you want. You need a yarn as well. You can experiment with the colors of the washi tape and the yarn in this project. Go ahead and have yourself a colorful, decorated washi tape party.


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