Experimenting With Different Steams ( Method 2 )

How to steam your face ( method 2 )

        Steaming your face helps to open your pores as well as aiding circulation in your face, leaving your skin clean, flushed and glowing. It's an easy natural way to give yourself a facial at home, and it won't cost you a dime

Do a cold relief steam. Steams can really help clear the sinuses when you have a cold. Steaming your face when you're a little sick can help you feel healthier and more beautiful at the same time - a much needed pick-me-up when you're under the weather! To do a cold relief steam, follow the steps above using one or more of the following herbs and essential oils:
  • Herbs: Chamomile, mint or eucalyptus
  • Oils: mint, eucalyptus or bergamot

Do a stress relief steam. Steaming soothes the soul as well as the skin, which is one of the reasons why it's a popular treatment at spas. A facial steam feels especially good when you're stressed out and can take the time to breathe in some wonderful scents while you sit back and relax. Try one or more of the following herbs and oils for a soothing, stress-relieving steam:
  • Herbs: Lavender, lemon verbena, chamomile
  • Oils: Passionflower, bergamot, sandalwood

Do an invigorating steam. A steam can help you feel awake and refreshed if you do it first thing in the morning. It wakes up your skin and it can enliven your mood as well. For a rejuvenating steam, use one or more of these herbs and oils:
  • Herbs: Lemon balm, peppermint, ginseng
  • Oils: Cedarwood, lemongrass, orange

Do a steam for sleep aid. Doing a steam a few minutes before you go to bed can help you relax and sleep peacefully. Try using one or more of these herbs and oils to help you get to sleep more easily next time you have insomnia:
  • Herbs: Valerian, chamomile, lavender
  • Oils: Lavender, patchouli, geranium rose


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