Non-Food Items that should be stored in the fridge!

Open your fridge, and what’s inside? Condiments, fruits, veggies, milk are pretty common answers, but what about makeup, lotions and batteries? When refrigerators were invented, they were mostly used for beauty products and not foods, and for good reason! What products can you extend the shelf life of with a little refrigeration?

  1. Batteries – Batteries fair well in cool, dark places where the temperature rarely varies. Sticking your batteries in the fridge will help them to keep their charge longer, so buy them in bulk next time they are on sale and stack them in cold storage!
  2. Nail Polish – (LOL, I personally don’t store mine in the fridge…  I’d need a second fridge for this   ).  Nail polish or nail varnish is best kept in the fridge. If you’re tired of clumps in your polish, trying keeping it cool. The fridge can help keep the paint from crusting up and turning solid.
  3. Fresh Cut Flowers – Fresh cut flowers will last longer in the fridge…  that’s not to say you want to keep them there but if you purchase some that you plan to give as a gift, store them in the refrigerator until you’re able to gift them!
  4. Candles –   Did you know storing your candles in the fridge or freezer actually makes them last longer?  They will burn slower and drip less!  (Note:  If they are scented, be sure they are in a well sealed container).
  5. Eye Cream – If your eyes get puffy, some cold eye cream in the morning can be soothing. It will help to cut down on inflammation and keep your eyes looking beautiful and well-rested.
  6. Glue – Fluctuations in temperature can also make your glue dry out faster. Since the fridge is always a constant temperature, try keeping your glue and paint products there can make them last much longer.
  7. Sun Screen – Need some soothing relief from the hot sun? Try some refrigerated sunscreen before heading back into the summer heat!
  8. Makeup – Make up products have relatively short shelf lives. If you don’t wear makeup everyday or have special occasion make up, it probably goes bad before you have a chance to use the whole bottle. Keeping it in the fridge can help to extend the shelf life by several months, buying you a little more time to use up those expensive cosmetics.  Lipstick has been be replaced on a fairly regular basis. But storing it in the fridge can almost double its shelf life. Don’t waste it, refrigerate it!



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