Wall Art Ideas To Decorate Your Space

        If you’re planing on redecorating your home, and you’re out of ideas on how to make it look more interesting and cool, here you will find some great DIY wall art projects for your space. There are so many different ways to make beautiful art for the walls of your home or office but we narrowed it down to our top 10 favorite ideas. With these 10 ideas you will spend the minimal amount of money and effort, so it’s worth the try, enjoy.

1. Washi Tape Dot Wall Art

via fellowfellow.com

For those who just love dots this wall decoration is a great idea. It’s also very easy to make, you will just need washi Tape, scissors and non-stick baking paper. Begin with cutting off some baking paper and then take your washi tape and start sticking strips from top to bottom, overlapping slightly. Once you’ve got enough tape down, turn the paper over and trace around your object. When you’re ready to stick it onto your wall, carefully peel off the baking paper, and stick away!

2. Rosette Backdrop

via brit.co

This is a great idea for a wall decoration and in the same time a creative backdrop for your pictures.  Made from rosettes it’s basically like making a whole bunch of paper fans, stapling them together, and attaching them to the wall. For this easy DIY project you will need colorful paper, stapler, staples and a tape.  You can use whatever color you want and you can mix colors together to make it look even better.

3. Circle Punch Wall Art

via mermag.blogspot.ca

Here’s another wall decoration with dots and it’s as easy to make as the previous one. For this DIY project you can chose the materials yourself, whether it will be a newspaper, or as in the pictures IKEA Ribba frames. It’s up to you how big you’re going to make them or what color and design the circles would be.  After you’ve  finished with cutting the circles, put them in a frame and decorate one of the empty walls of your home, or office. It will look great and very different.

4. Newspaper Quotes On Canvas

via www.six2eleven.net

If you have some old newspaper somewhere around your house, some spare time and the will to make your home look better, this is the perfect DIY project for you. Besides the newspapers, 
you will need paint, preferably white, vinyl letters and a canvas.
Glue your “best pieces” where you plan on placing your letters.  What you put everywhere else really doesn’t matter because you’ll be painting over it. After the painting is over, remove the letters and you will get a creative picture with almost no effort and money used.

5. Shoebox Wall Art

via brit.co

Don’t throw away all those old shoeboxes that have been laying around your house without any purpose, here’s a better idea.  You will give your shoeboxes a new life by turning them into wall art, map picture frames, and colorful shelves, and that way your walls will look great too, without much effort. You will need fabrics and studs and a bit spare time. After you finish your new frames, shelves or just decorations, hang them on a wall and enjoy! They are very light weight so all you need is a couple push pins to hang each one.

Read also

8 Ways to Turn Your Fave Quotes into DIY Wall Art

5 Fun and Easy Washi Tape Projects You Can Make in 10 Minutes

Cool DIY for Teen Room DecorCloset Design Photos for Dressing Room

6. Quilled Monogram

via craftastical.com

For this Quilling monogram it takes patience and some time, but the skill needed is pretty minimal. The supplies you will need for this amazing wall decoration are a frame, colored paper, craft knife, mod podge scrapbook paper backing and a medium painter’s brush. It’s important to be completely accurate and really patient. Keep checking as you go to make sure you’re getting the turns right, but don’t glue until you finish a whole strip of paper. Once you get the look you want, mount it on a piece of scrapbook paper and mat with strips of paper, if desired. Pop into the frame without the glass and hang.

7. Framed States

via kayladanelle.com

Although the picture shows some of the States framed, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the United States when you make this project for your home. You can print the country or countries you want, or maybe all the countries you visited, and then cut and put them into a frame. As simple as that! You’ll get a wonderful decoration for your home and no one will ever tell that it took you just a few minutes and no money to do it. Definitely something you should try it out.

8. Sunburst Mirror

via tenjuneblog.com

If you want to decorate your space and you have that boring mirror you don’t want to throw away, here is an awesome idea for you. Have you considered decorating it with some bamboo sticks? It will look great in the living room and it’s not that hard to make. It’s going to cost you no money, maybe just a couple of bucks for the bamboo sticks, but it’s totally worth it.

9. Book Page Wall

via poppytalk.com

This DIY wall art is made by book pages but if you don’t want to destroy your books, even if they are too old to be read ever again, you can just copy the pages and get this great design for the walls of your bedroom, living room or home office. It’s easy and it looks so unique, find some spare time and decorate your walls.

10. Honeycomb Wall

via vintagerevivals.com

This last one is going to be a real challenge. Yes, it’s a bit harder and it takes more time to make it, compared to the other projects, but this honeycomb wall art is something that will make your room look great and very unique and fun. There’s going to be a lot of cutting, painting and crafting wood, but the final result will pay off the hard work. Once your hexagon is ready use your nail gun to secure the wood to your wall. Then paint the wall with the colors you think would fit the best. A great idea is to make an “ombre” style for your walls


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