What is the solution to face sweating feet?

    With the coming of summer and high temperatures, the body's need to sweating. And sweating in General is natural and healthy to regulate internal body temperature, As the body secrete large amounts of sweat suit with physical and psychological exertion and the temperature of the place, but some have what is known as the sweating feet,  Which is what makes the feet if wet, this helps for unpleasant odors, to cause embarrassment of facing this problem.

Before diving into the search for solutions and experience the many tips, may be important to know that race is usually smell newly set apart, but the bacteria in the body,  Or some fungus, works to launch some acrid odors. So it may be necessary for the doctor to know if because of these odors fungi exist in foot.  Shoes and socks website offers, «Mercure» some tips to cope with nagging foot odor

According to the site, many causes, but the most important things to be followed on first boot and then socks. According to the site, select the boot is very important to address this issue, The choice of open shoes might be useful, and that being allowed into the air to the feet, keeping them dry.

As for who is forced to wear closed shoes all the time, it might be worthwhile to choose natural materials allow air to the feet. The shoe is made with natural leather of shoes Favorites, being allowed into the air to the feet.

Other important things to deal with the phenomenon of excessive sweating is socks, soft cotton socks selection is effective against unpleasant foot odor and sweating, The cotton is able to absorb sweat, what keeps feet dry as much as possible and lightened version of odours. Dry feet from the stern, the German magazine barefoot might be helpful. Therefore preferred to walk without shoes whenever possible.                                                                                        

The German magazine also confirms the need to dry the feet thoroughly after bathing, if necessary using electric dryer sometimes. The magazine also recommends using anti-sweating of the feet, and is located in spray or powder, Because this helps kill bacteria in the feet, works used to break the acrid odors by the body.

It may also be helpful to know that try those things don't help effectively in combating this problem, may be the sweating has caused patients or indicative of a defect in certain functions of the body, It might be due to the continuous sweating for several reasons, notably a malfunctioning thyroid glands or pituitary gland. There are also certain medications cause an increase in the secretion of sweat from the body, or it may be an indication of the low level of sugar in the body.



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