6 Easy Organizing Tricks You’ll Actually Want To Try

Buzzfeed.com share ideas for your home to organize every thing around you, such as :                 

1. Revamp your drawer freezer by categorizing everything in deep, narrow bins.

You’ll have to find the right ones for your particular dimensions so you don’t lose space, but it makes it so much easier to find what you’re looking for! Read more about it and see the before and after here.

2. Cover an empty soda can box with contact or wrapping paper, then use it to store your canned foods.

Cut a similar hole open in the back of the box, and you can drop newer canned foods back there. That way, you’re always eating the cans that are closer to expiring first. Check out more of this affordably organized pantry here.

3. Store game boards in frames, with all of their supplies hooked to the back.

Then when your kids (or you!) are ready to play, just play directly on the framed board, and hang it up afterward. No fitting little game pieces into specifically designed organizing slots. This tutorial shows you how to make custom sized frames yourself, but you can always take them to get them framed.

4. Speaking of organizing things behind frames: hang a picture frame on a hinge in your entryway, then stash your keys behind it.

Your keys will stay hidden, but also easy to find when you need them. Learn how to make it happen here.

5. If you have a storage ottoman that seems bottomless and cluttered every time you open it, divide it up with smaller canvas bins.

This ottoman holds a family’s winter gear — if you live in a colder climate, you could also consider pulling out your cooler weather accessories now, so you can get everything clean and organized before the first freeze.

7. Make your rakes easy to grab when you need to clean up some autumn leaves by nailing old pallets to your garage wall.

This can be a free (!) trick if you stop by your local hardware or grocery store and ask if they have any pallets they’re planning to throw away. Read more about how to do this here.


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