31 Perfect Looks To Copy This October

       Okay, so it doesn’t exactly feel like fall outside, but believe it or not, October is actually here. The leaves are changing; Starbucks has launched its seasonal menu, and Halloween candy has more or less invaded the aisles at Duane Reade — even if the high temperatures and humidity have yet to subside.
At this point, we’re sick of our summer wardrobes and anxiously awaiting the day when NYC hits a crisp 60-something degrees, so we can show off our leather jackets and brand-new boots to the world. And this is the month that happens: when layering, luxe fabrics, and a laundry list of outerwear will become the norm. The frightening truth is, as prepared as our minds and hearts may be for this weather shift, our wardrobes are nowhere close. The 31 looks ahead (one for each October day) should help get us all on track.

So see thoes outfit ideas to copy .. enjoy :)


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