7 lessons in life you will regret if you don't learn it early.

      As you get older, positions and gaining lessons and wish you knew that in early times of your life, maybe you can change your life and your present, so collect site "hack live" Alec 7 important lessons might change your perspective and your brains to enhance your life and change it for the better.
1-live now

Spend much time in nostalgia, or planning for the future and forget to live in the present, and overlook the fact that happiness is only in the present moment, the past is gone, the future is yet to come, try to stop for a moment and look around, you realize where you are? And what do you do? At this moment, your mind will understand what you have and live with you.

2. do not restrict your life what you should and should not be

Living in a family within a society within the State, each of them have restrictions and duties list, list of don'ts, adhere autonomic, saying you must attend that school, and get that degree, you can get a particular job, and he must get married before that age or, we all have this circle of conditions and prohibitions, but who will hold you accountable to follow those restrictions or not, and would benefit or hurt by your commitment or not, you need to find an answer to those questions, because you eventually come to that Spending your life the way you want is only what would please you, live life as you want, it's yours.

3. don't give things larger than their size

Sometimes our minds works against us, give some problems bigger than size, how many times I think something is great, however, and over the day, week or month and no longer remember anything about him, that's because your mind focused on the problem and concerns that weren't really well.

So the next time you do that, stop for a moment and ask yourself do I'll remember it tomorrow or next week or next month, and mostly the answer will be "no", so I spend on these concerns is the fact that you put yourself.

4. face your fears

All have fears, some other unjustified and unwarranted, and in both cases it provided to mature and learn more on life, is to confront your fears, and remember that many of your concerns are just a product of your mind, and is not present on the ground, if I can do that, you'll find that a lot of concerns and problems become much easier.

5. slow steps will yield you inevitably race

When we're younger, it is our goal to achieve everything quickly, maybe today helped, what you think you find in the blink of an eye, but it's different for our goals.

But the secret to success is to take small steps to big changes, it is our place to help us determine our course to grow and gain experience and skills, you can't do it quickly.

6. stop assuming the opinions of others

We spend too much time in protecting people's opinions as we do, and their assessment of our opinions, but we must realize that the world doesn't revolve around you, all the people around you have their problems and concerns, and focus with you as you imagined.

7. as far as everything else in your life.

One of the most important life lessons are appreciated, as you get older, will increase your appreciation for everything around you, including people, experiences, lessons learned, and even our property, so make sure the habit early, and I know my appreciation and gratitude are the keys to happiness.


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