Bedroom with Lavender spirit. 7 steps to calm you down

       Some call it the Royal color, others sees the color of greatness, that purple or lavender color, which brings to everyone who sees some sort of comfort and quiet, if you want a Royal look to your room, it is indispensable to the purple which will create a tranquil spirit in your room.

1. use lavender or mauve color in the background of your bed to attract viewed directly, always be a basic element in the bedroom is the bed so it is the first attraction.

2. If you don't prefer color painter gentlemen, you can choose a wallpaper pattern, where Lavender color is the main color and interface with elements of the room.

3. make room elements other than Lavender-colored wall, such as placing chairs in that color in the room, room curtains format are the same color with pillows.

4. you can choose a wall color to another color fits with Lavender color, gray for the most sophisticated, make Lavender color appears on the bedspread and cushions and curtains with a mixture of two colors.

5. you can mix purple with other colors to create the cheerful spirit and activity in the room, choose the color yellow is more consistent with lavender and what gives joy to anything.

6. don't forget to make your room accessories like panels and lighting and chandelier complete appearance upscale room, choose Lavender color enters colors but need not be in purple.

7. choose more degree of purple for your bedroom, you can also choose more than drawing or pattern of the wallpaper in the bedroom without hesitation.

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