15 Tips You Should Consider for a Fabulous Winter Hijab Style

Ladies who wear the hijab, prepare yourselves for a very stylish winter. Look closely, because I got you some fabulous ideas to flaunt your hijab elegantly in the winter, and I am going to need you to be open for new options. And because winter is so much easier for hijabis to dress up, read on and find out how you can style your hijab fabulously this winter!

1. Embrace the cool girl inside of you, and sport a bomber jacket with a cool design on the back for an unmatched winter hijab style.

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب
2. One of the pieces every woman must have in her winter wardrobe is a long thick coat, preferably with a neutral color, so you can wear it over any outfit. Just perfect for a winter hijab look.

 Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

3. For the busy days, style your workout wear with a nice coat and a chic handbag to mix the athletic look with the chic look. This would make a fabulous winter hijab style.

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

4. If you wear a turban, you can wrap a big and comfy scarf around your neck to complete your winter hijab style. Check out how the earrings pop from inside, beautiful!

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

5. And if you wear the traditional hijab wrap, then you can absolutely wear the big wrapped scarf too!

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

6.  For an elegant and classic winter hijab style, just throw the scarf on one of your shoulders.

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

7. The ultimate winter hijab style is using your warmest scarf as a headscarf, so creative and practical.

 Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

8. Who said that you can’t wear a turtleneck with hijab? Use a fine headscarf so you can put it inside your turtle neck sweater, and enjoy a warm winter hijab style.

 Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

9. Match your printed headscarf with a colored sweater, if you want to get a cute winter hijab style.

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

10. How about an over-sized denim jacket thrown over your shoulders for a hip winter hijab style?

 Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

11. A cool sweater dress with a leather jacket is just what you need for a unique winter hijab style!

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

12. Culottes, sweaters and ankle boots? Yes please; this is the perfect combination for every woman looking for the chicest winter hijab style.

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

13. Don’t forget to buy a cool pair of sneakers to make a statement hijab style this winter.
Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

14. Velvet ankle boots are just out of this world; get a pair for the perfect winter hijab style!

Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب

15. Don’t forget to wear your favorite red lipstick with your winter hijab outfit, it will take your whole hijab style to the next level.
Winter fashion - hijab style - افكار ملابس حجاب


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