Google celebrates the 108 anniversary of the birth of Doria Shafik one of the pioneers of women's liberation in Egypt

Today the global search engine Google celebrated its 108 birthday of Dr. Doria Shafik, one of the pioneers of women's liberation movement in Egypt in the first half of the twentieth century and credited with Egyptian women get the right to vote and run for office in the Constitution of Egypt in 1956 and founder of the patrols literary researcher and campaigner against the presence British in Egypt.

After returning from France demanded the appointment at Cairo University, but the request was turned down for being a "woman," this is why the Princess Showikar to offer the post of chief editor of  New Woman magazine and which was soon left to devote themselves to the magazine "girl of the Nile," which was established to be the first magazine women in Egypt to teach and educate the Egyptian women.

She founded a school for literacy in Bulaq to eliminate the widespread ignorance among girls and women in popular areas, and with the end of the forties girl Nile Union was founded to be the first platform to run for women in political life.

In 1951, "Doria" led a women's protest is composed of 1500 girl and Egyptian woman, Aguetahman "the Egyptian parliament," the phenomenon is the first of its kind in Egypt to demand the rights of women, which was hastily introduced law on the Egyptian parliament provides for the right of women to run and run for parliament after this event one week.

National and its role was no less of a political role and social. In 1951 prepared a paramilitary squad of Egyptian women of the resistance against the units of the British army in the Suez Canal, which included a willingness to fight and train nurses for the field, tried to lead a women's protest of the girl Nile Union, where Qmn surrounded the bank Britain's Barclays in Cairo in January 1951 and Don for his district.

I was born in December 14, 1908, a third children, "Ahmed Shafiq Nassif and monotonous" and second daughters. He was born in Tanta in her grandmother's house to her mother, "the father and mother of Tanta and novelty of the" Hussein Algosbuty "Haseeb Kin and notables Tanta. The father of Doria railway engineer. And in 1913 she was preceded by her sister "rich" and joined the French missionary school. The maid, "Zainab" Doria accompanied generator to Mr. Badawi, and moved religious feelings at the birth of the Islamic mystic, which dates back to the third century AD, who was born in Morocco and the scion of a family of Mecca.

As a complement to political career has transferred girl Nile Union to the first Egyptian women's party of the same name to be a leader of political women's work in Egypt and the Arab world, which encouraged them to object to the absence of a single woman in the writing of the Constitution in 1954, Vodrepett accompanied by other women for food, which made President Mohammad Najib does promise to the achievement of women's rights in the Constitution and has already been granted Egyptian women the right to vote and stand as candidates in the general election for the first time.

Doria Shafik died in 1975 while fell from the balcony of her home in Zamalek in Cairo, and was said to have committed suicide after the isolation lived for 18 years because of the monopoly of political life at the National Party men in Egypt.


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