25 Simple Ways to De-stress When You Have a Bad Day

Bad days happen, and that's okay, but the downside is that sometimes they just really get to us! Fear not, for a bad day can be fixed; luckily there are simple things you can do to help you de-stress, and get back up again.

No matter what you're going through, take charge of your life and find the route to happiness. It's time to relax and kiss your bad day goodbye... Here are 25 simple ways to de-stress when you have a bad day.

1. Watch your favorite movie.
2. Take a walk in a garden, park or even a street!
3. Write your feelings down in a journal.
4. Practice yoga poses for stress relief.
5. Drink a cup of green tea.
6. Listen to (really!) happy songs.
7. Have a relaxing hot bath.
8. Treat yourself to some desserts; cookies, donuts, brownies, etc.
9. Fill in a coloring book.
10. Blast your favorite song, and sing along!
11. Catch up with an old dear friend.
12. Disconnect and take a break from social media.
13. Dance, literally like nobody is watching!
14. Play with your favorite pet, and/or kid.
15. Watch funny videos, browse GIFs, and look up memes!
16. De-clutter your home, starting with your bedroom.
17. Head to the gym, and exercise.
18. List 10 things you're grateful for in life.
19. Do a breathing exercise to reduce anxiety.
20. Call your partner/best friend/sibling, etc. and vent it out!
21. Wear pajamas, hop in bed, and binge-watch your favorite show.
22. Light a scented candle, and give yourself a facial or a mani-pedi.
23. Do something nice to brighten up a stranger's day.
24. Plan your next dream holiday, even if it's all imaginary!
25. Cook (or order!) your favorite comfort food, be it french fries, pizza or pasta.


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