Easy Homemade Clay to Make Baby Keepsake

Have you been overwhelmed since you’ve had your baby, especially with all the new responsibilities and chores? Well, you need to remember that the first few months, even years are the ones you’re going to miss the most about your daughter’s or your son’s life.
So, to capture this beautiful phase of their lives, create homemade clay to make a baby keepsake. I promise, it’s very easy to make and fun too. So, let’s start.

Ingredients to make homemade clay for baby keepsake:

1 cup of cornstarch

2 cups of Bi carb soda

1 ½ cups of water

Steps to make homemade clay for the baby keepsake:

1. The first step to make homemade clay for a baby keepsake is, in a medium sized saucepan, mix the cornstarch, bi carb soda and water all together. Whisk the mix very well until it becomes runny and creamy.

2. Put the saucepan on fire, preferable mid-high fire. With a large spoon, start beating the mix continuously.

3. Soon, you’ll notice that the mix is turning into a bubbly paste, and then it will look like mashed potato paste.

4. Take the paste out and place it over a baking sheet and cover it with a damp towel to help it cool down.

5. After the clay has cooled down, spread it with a roller. But, make sure the paste is not too thin and not too large.

6. Now for the fun part of homemade clay to make a baby keepsake. With your help, make your baby stand with both feet on the paste.

7. If you want, you can divide the paste into two separate clays, for hands and feet.

8. To finish the homemade clay to make a baby keepsake, you need to place the clay into the oven for it  to completely dry. If you leave it outside for long, the clay will crack and it will be ruined.

N.B: You can always spray some color as a finishing, to give it a cooler look.

After you take it out, let it cool down, you can put them in a special frame or hang it on the memory wall. Enjoy making a homemade clay for your baby’s keepsake. 


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