Cheese Sauce

Ingredients to make cheese sauce:

-  1 tbsp butter.
-  1 tbsp flour.
-  1 cup of milk.

-  ½ cup of grated cheese of your choice (I personally prefer cheddar cheese.)
-  ¼ cup parmesan cheese.
-  Salt and pepper.

How to make cheese sauce?

1. In a saucepan, melt the butter.

2. Add flour to the butter and stir without stopping until it starts bubbling. (Take care of sudden blow ups, it can cause severe burns.)

3. Take the sauce pan away from the heat, and add the cup of milk and stir well until well blended.

4. Then put it back on the heat and let it boil.

5. On lower heat, add the grated cheese of your choice and the Parmesan cheese, let it sit in until it completely melts.

6. When you take a spoon of the cheese sauce, it is supposed to be runny and without any bumps or solid pieces of cheese.


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